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Get inspired for Your Sound Journey.

by Caro Mertens

Be Mindful with yourself

Mindfulness with the power of sound

"In a modern world characterized by rapid change, constant accessibility and high demands, small breaks from the hectic pace of everyday life are becoming increasingly important. Conscious moments give us the opportunity to focus on what our own needs are and where our own limits lie.

By integrating small sound instruments into your daily mindfulness practice, you can increase your awareness of the moment."

Living consciously – What is mindfulness and what benefits does it bring?

The concept of mindfulness originates from Zen Buddhism. It is an inner attitude in which you consciously focus on the present moment and accept its reality without judgment. During mindfulness practice, all worries are set aside and the focus is directed to the here and now.

Mindful people report increased concentration, stress reduction and a general sense of emotional well-being. Being mindful can slow down everyday life and cleanse the mind. People who follow these lifestyle often have an optimistic attitude and a pronounced clarity of consciousness.

Why mindfulness is important

In a modern world characterized by rapid change, constant accessibility and high demands, small breaks from the hectic pace of everyday life are becoming increasingly important. Conscious moments give us the opportunity to focus on what our own needs are and where our own limits lie.

Mindfulness can also help us to block out external distractions and not be easily rattled in challenging situations. Negative news hit us every day and influence our state of mind. Living mindfully can help to break through these negative thought patterns and create a positive mindset.

Mindfulness and instruments

Various mindfulness exercises, such as concentrating on the breath, can be enriched with sound instruments.

Accompanying mindfulness practice with sound instruments can help to calm the mind and sharpen the focus. Soothing vibrations are known to have a positive effect on the nervous system. In sound baths or meditations, for example, we find it easier to let go, allow everything around us to happen and focus fully on ourselves.

Imagine the sound as a “meditative anchor”, which brings your thoughts into the here and now. Whenever the thoughts threaten to wander, the sound gently guides the attention back.

Practical application – Simple exercises for everyday life

By integrating small sound instruments into your daily mindfulness practice, you can increase your awareness of the moment.

Any sound instrument can certainly be used here. I personally prefer to work with Tibetan Singing Bowls. For my daily mindfulness exercises, I like to use the small Cosmos Singing Bowl from Sonic Energy with only 250 g. It can be played as a singing bowl, but can also function as a bell. Its bright sound primarily appeals to the upper part of the head and influences exactly where we work on the topic of mindfulness – the thoughts.

Strike the bowl at the beginning of your practice, close your eyes, and listen to the long-lasting high-pitched sound. Mentally follow the sound, from its full tone to its soft fade. Visualize the sound in your mind's eye and imagine a wave that builds up and subsides again. This makes the transition from everyday life to meditation much easier.

Synchronize your breath with the sound of the bowl as your practice progresses. Breathe in deeply as you strike the bowl and empty your lungs completely as the sound fades. Then pause for a moment and repeat the exercise a few times. You will quickly notice how you forget everything around and center yourself completely on your breath.



Taking just 5 minutes a day for this simple exercise can become a wonderful morning or evening routine with consistently positive effects. The ritual can also be enriched with other supportive components such as affirmation cards, ceremonial cocoa, or room fragrance. Find your own personal approach here. I look forward to an exchange of experiences!

Mindfulness Bundle

About Caro

Carolin Mertens is a sound healer, sound trainer and coach, based in Berlin, Germany. She found her way into sound therapy/healing about four years ago and has been treating herself with the help of sounds. A chronic nerve disease made it possible for her to deal very intensively on all levels of her being with sound and its beneficial and therapeutical properties.

Her vision is to share this magic of sound with all people in 1:1 sessions, group sound baths, sound healer trainings and coachings. In this way she brings people back into connection with themselves, the earth, and the universe. She believes that in this state rests an infinite potential for life-changing states of consciousness and healing on all levels of being.

Since May 2024, she is an official Brand Ambassador for Sonic Energy.



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